Constantly evolving, experimenting, and growing as an artist, I strive to push the boundaries of transforming solid structures into delicate forms. Embracing the forces of time, pressure, and chance, I allow these elements to shape and redefine the final creation.
This process is about pushing the boundaries of each piece of clay in its moment—testing its limits and allowing unexpected forms to emerge. The goal is to design something that is both delicate and structurally sound, exuding a sense of fragile perfection.
Before firing, I employ the chip away method, using sharp tools to puncture the clay. This creates a distinctive texture and negative space within each piece. Every strike chips away at the surface, with no certainty of how many punctures it can withstand—a reflection of a 50/50 chance of survival.
Through this technique, I craft elegant forms enriched with texture, continually exploring the balance between fragility and resilience, creating pieces that appear weathered yet remain seemingly perfect.
he collection of pieces I've been developing over the past decade incorporates a technique I call "chip away."